Put Your Family to the Giggle Test

Put Your Family to the Giggle Test - BE Company LLC


Kindness is a superpower we all possess, and it's one we should encourage in our children from a young age. But let's be honest, teaching kids about kindness doesn't have to be a serious affair. In fact, it can be downright hilarious!

At BE Company, we believe that kindness should come with a side of laughter. So, in this blog post, we're introducing you to the Giggle Test—a fun and light-hearted way to foster kindness in your family while sharing plenty of giggles.

The Giggle Test: A Lesson in Laughter and Kindness

The Giggle Test is simple yet profound. It challenges your family members to make each other laugh with acts of kindness, silliness, and love. The more laughter you generate, the more successful your kindness mission becomes!

1. The Silly Face Challenge

Begin with the Silly Face Challenge. Gather your family in a room and take turns making the silliest faces you can imagine. The goal is to make each other burst into laughter. The catch? You must create your silliest faces together and share plenty of giggles along the way.

2. The Laughing Hug

Give the Laughing Hug a try. When you give a family member a hug, make it the most over-the-top, goofy, and dramatic hug imaginable. Add sound effects, exaggerated movements, and lots of laughter. The result? A hug that not only warms the heart but also tickles the funny bone.

3. The Compliment Avalanche

This one's all about showering each other with compliments. Start an avalanche of compliments by going around the room and taking turns saying something kind about the person to your right. Keep it going until everyone has received a mountain of positivity and laughter fills the air.

4. Random Acts of Silly Kindness

Encourage random acts of silly kindness throughout the day. Leave funny notes, create surprise dance parties, or sneakily add googly eyes to household objects. The aim is to spread kindness while having loads of fun.

5. The Storytelling Challenge

Gather in a circle and create a collaborative story with a twist. Each person adds a sentence to the story, but it must be a kind and hilarious sentence. The story can take unexpected and delightful turns, and everyone gets to enjoy the creativity and laughter.

6. The Giggle Reflection

Wrap up your Giggle Test with the Giggle Reflection. Sit together as a family and share your favorite moments from the day. Discuss the kindness you've experienced and how laughter played a role in creating those moments.

The Magic of Kindness and Laughter

The Giggle Test isn't just about making each other laugh; it's about creating a culture of kindness within your family. By incorporating humor and silliness into acts of kindness, you'll teach your children that being kind can be fun and joyful.

Kindness doesn't have to be a solemn duty; it can be a delightful adventure. When kids associate kindness with laughter and positivity, they're more likely to embrace it as a way of life.

So, the next time you want to teach your family about kindness, put them to the Giggle Test. Watch as laughter spreads, hearts are warmed, and the world becomes a brighter place, one giggle at a time.

At BE Company, we celebrate kindness, positivity, and the uniqueness of each child. Stay tuned for more creative parenting tips and explore our clothing collections designed to help your child 'Just Be' themselves while looking super cool.

Spread kindness, share laughter, and let your family be the superheroes of smiles!